Terms of Service

All users of SailingAndScuba.com, a serviced provide by Zhytomyr Media LLC (herein referred to as "us", "we", "Zhytomyr Media", 'Sailing And Scuba", or "SailingAndScuba.com"), must read and accept the following Terms of Service ("Terms of Service").

These Terms of Service govern your access to and use of any service we provide, either through the use of our online website, or offline. This will serve as a binding agreement between you, the customer "Customer" and Zhytomyr Media. Your access to the website and Service are reliant upon your acceptance and adherence to these Terms of Service. Any violation of these Terms of Service may result in your access to the website and Service being revoked.

Zhytomyr Media reserves the right to changes these Terms of Service at any time. You may access this webpage at any time to review changes. Your continued access and use of the website, or Service after Zhytomyr Media makes such changes will be considered your agreement to be bound by any such revisions to the Terms of Service.

2) Privacy Information

Any information uploaded to our website, may be published and used by us and displayed to the general public, for the purpose of providing our services, except where prohiobited by law. From time to time, Zhytomyr Media may use any uploaded photos in marketing material or as examples for our services. You agree to grant us explicit license to use your photos in the manner described in this section. You maintain ownership over all photos, however, and may request any derivatives of your photos that we show publicly be removed. Upon receiving such request, we will remove them within a reasonable time frame.

3) Account Security

You are required to use a password to register, and access restricted areas of SailingAndScuba.com. You agree to not share such information with anyone else, and to be the sole user of your account. You agree to be fully responsible for all activities that occur by your logged in account. You agree to immediate notify us if your account has been compromised, so that we may act to secure your account once again. We are not responsible for loss or damage occurred by anyone who has accessed your account.

4) Termination of Relationship

You may terminate your relationship with SailingAndScuba.com by requesting that your user account and related content be deleted from our servers. We will fulfill your request within 30 days of receiving it. We may terminate your account and use of our website and Service at any time, for any reason, without recourse. We will suspend your account if you have violated these terms of service, if we believe you seek to defraud us.

Any violation of these Terms of Service may result in immediate termination of your account and refunds will not be provided for any work inflight.

Last Revised: January 9, 2021