Goal #1 - 33.33% Met
I'm a firm believe in long term goals, and this goal is bigger than "sail the world" it's geard toward life, and shit happens in life. I plan to have this goal met before I even think about going off on the big adventure. You need a plan if you have to come back, and this is mine.
Sail the World! - 3.33% Met
This goal gets me the boat I want, any retrofit and inventory needed, and enough in the bank for a couple years of anticipated expenses, even if I don't make another dollar. I don't want to be the type to take a $5000 boat and rough it, but I am willing to reduce my goal if I just can't get it done - but have to aim high first!
About me
Hi, I'm Doug! It's been my dream to sail and scuba the world for over 10 years, yet my dreams always took a backseat to other priorities. I'm still years away from 'sailing the world' but at least now I am planning for that eventuality! I created this site to curate sailing and scuba related content and resources I like, and I figured I'd share them with you as well, perhaps you will find them valuable. The site will be a continual work in progress. I'd love to hear your suggestions!