Channel Information

We are a Kiwi/French couple (with a new baby) who had the dream of circumnavigating the globe by sailboat… initially having no clue of how to sail. Through our videos we hope to inspire others to explore alternative options of living and to spread ocean awareness. With YOUR support we can keep these movies coming every Monday/Tuesday (depending on your timezone). My name is Vernon, I'm a passionate observer, a life-long traveler and a seeker of adventure. My name is Marie-Morgane, I'm from France. I love being in the nature and enjoying the outdoors. Trade Runner, our 39ft custom built sailboat catamaran is our ticket to freedom ! The vessel that gets us to the corners of the planet that intrigue us. We try to document the good, the bad of this lifestyle and the amazing people we meet along the way. Live life, Respect others, Dream big, Do rad stuff! Find us on Instagram : @vernon.deck @marieonthetop @sailing_learning_by_doing

Recent Videos

Sailing around Sualwesi, Indonesia. We sailed through the night on our way to a lovely city called Baubau in South-East Sulawesi. We spent a few days there exploring the amazing 16th century fort, actually the biggest fort in the world. Next we sailed up the Buton Straight and found a beautiful spot...
Sailing around Sualwesi, Indonesia. This is our first real taste of things to come. The amazing generosity of the villagers we come across at a small islands just amazed us but it came at a price. Enjoy If you enjoy our videos and appreciate the effort that goes into making them then please consider...
Anchoring a Sailboat is one of the really important skills needed to become a full-time cruiser. We've made mistakes in the past, some of them costly. We like to think we have also learnt a lot along the way and this week share with you how we anchor in really tight spaces. Enjoy If you enjoy our videos...
Indonesia has a very long history when it comes to ocean travel. They've sailed far and wide for centuries now, fishing, trading and transporting goods. Sailing around Indonesia its hard to not notice the majestic looking Phinisi sailing ship, sometimes in a foggy anchorage you can imagine ancient times...
Sailing full time can be very challenging! There is so much out of our control, so much that can go wrong. Marie is feeling pretty upset during a very rough crossing from Sumbawa to Sulawesi, wondering why we are even doing this. Our 5 month old son Eli is on her mind and the potential danger we are...
An epic sail followed by an epic adventure in family. This is what life is all about. A 30nm sail in pretty calm seas with 15kts of wind is what makes my smile wide. Trade Runner gets along so well even though I was running a very conservative sail plan. Our destination was Moyo Island and its very famous...
Sailing to the enchanting tropical island of Gili Air we enjoy a few days rest and relaxation after our challenging last few weeks. This is our last day and we plan to enjoy the last western food and other luxuries that the island has to offer before we sail to Sulawesi and its remote spaces. It might...
After a week in the boat yard we'd eaten all our fresh food and it was time to go shopping. Now this is often quite the adventure in small town Indonesia as it means going to a local Pasar or fresh market. No-one speaks english and theres a confusing amount of produce, prices and rules at play. We're...
Our poor sailboat sustained some damage when a squall blew us onto a reef. Repairing Trade Runner meant hauling the boat out of the water and in Indonesia this can be fraught with danger as the facilities are a bit sketchy. It wouldn't be till the boat was on land before I would fully know what the damage...
What a terrible night, stuck on a reef, wind howling and all alone! At 4am we were awakened by a super strong squall rolling over us. Within minutes our anchor had dragged and we were blown sideways onto a coral reef. In crazy wild condition we did what we could to free her but once we realised that...
Sorry, no video this week, we had a SHITuation to deal with. Updates next week
Sorry, no video this week, we had a SHITuation to deal with. Updates next week
Owning a Sailboat means WORK. The Trampolines on Trade Runner were getting a bit dangerous but it was a job Id been putting off as it was not going to be easy. We found ourselves in a great spot to finally do it thoughts there was an Aluminium welder nearby and this was a vital part of the puzzle. I...

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