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Life is about living! We invite you to share our journey with moments captured as they are experienced. Come live these moments with us! ⛵ More Videos at:

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I put together a short mix video for you guys, including some scenes of our trip across towards the little-known Southern islands of Colombia.. and no background music in these scenes.. Enjoy! Cheers, Capitan Rick, Maddy, and Ricci Join our Patreon and join our Team SSL Crew! Come...
Yes, the Darien Gap is one of the most notorious locations for narco traffic, as it is the dividing line between Colombia and Panama in the middle of the jungle, far far away from any form of civilization in either country. It has been a very hard border to protect due to the depth of the jungle on...
Our voyage into the southern extremes of Panama take us to the very remote bay at Puerto Perme, one of the last anchorages before we cross the border into Colombia. Here we find a very unique experience with people used to living in the middle of nowhere by themselves, only visited by the occasional...
Join our Patreon and join our Team SSL Crew! Come and join us realtime at: To all those contributing to our next adventures, Thank-You so much! http://www.Paypal.Me/SailingTheLady SSL...
Here is a link to the video that was blocked by Youtube, in case you'd like to watch For more information on the CIGS solar panels demonstrated in last video, go to and find the CIGS 200w flexible solar panel to see exactly what we've got, and why...
Today we are sailing in the stunning San Blas Islands of Panama. Our last days with current crew onboard brings us to the island of Nargana.. the only island where the Kuna Indians that don't want to live the conventional lifestyle in palm frond huts on the beach can live with modern conveniences of...
Join our Patreon and join our Team SSL Crew! Come and join us realtime at: To all those contributing to our next adventures, Thank-You so much! http://www.Paypal.Me/SailingTheLady SSL...
Join our Patreon and join our Team SSL Crew! Come and join us realtime at: To all those contributing to our next adventures, Thank-You so much! http://www.Paypal.Me/SailingTheLady SSL...
Join our Patreon and join our Team SSL Crew! Come and join us realtime at: To all those contributing to our next adventures, Thank-You so much! http://www.Paypal.Me/SailingTheLady SSL...
Join our Patreon and join our Team SSL Crew! Come and join us realtime at: To all those contributing to our next adventures, Thank-You so much! http://www.Paypal.Me/SailingTheLady SSL...
Yes guys, I'm back! It's been a while but hey, after 12+ years with a camera in my face, and doctor's orders to tone down on all activities including sailing until after my surgery and recovery times, it was easy to decide to finally take some downtime with just family and friends.. but now I am feeling...
Yes guys, I'm back! It's been a while but hey, after 12+ years with a camera in my face, and doctor's orders to tone down on all activities including sailing until after my surgery and recovery times, it was easy to decide to finally take some downtime with just family and friends.. but now I am feeling...

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