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I don't have a 9 to 5 job and that gives me the flexibility to get out and have some adventures, dive into projects, and meet really cool people!

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Today The Wendy's in Christiansburg, VA started delivering by drones using Wing and Doordash. I got really lucky and was traveling right by it so I just had to stop in and see what it's all about.
Today The Wendy's in Christiansburg, VA started delivering by drones using Wing and Doordash. I got really lucky and was traveling right by it so I just had to stop in and see what it's all about.
I attempt to drive a rare 2012 Coda EV on a 2900 mile road trip across America. It has a bad cell in the battery pack and can only go about 50 miles if driven really slow. The trip starts in Marina Del Ray, CA and the goal is to end in Cape Canaveral, FL. Help to keep the party going! PATREON - Want...
I attempt to drive a rare 2012 Coda EV on a 2900 mile road trip across America. It has a bad cell in the battery pack and can only go about 50 miles if driven really slow. The trip starts in Marina Del Ray, CA and the goal is to end in Cape Canaveral, FL. Help to keep the party going! PATREON - Want...
In this episode I fly out to Los Angles to pickup my 2012 Coda EV and start preparing it for a drive across the country back to the east coast. I also learn more about the Solo EV and finally get to test drive it. People walking by all wanted to know what it is and one lady wanted her picture with it...
In this episode I met up with Carl to check out the electric car he has for sale. I ended up liking it so much that I told him I would come back and buy it, Help to keep the party going! PATREON - Want to make a one-time PayPal donation? Awesome!: 9to5less...
In this video I arrive in Los Angeles only to have my catalytic converter stolen. Little did I know this would lead to my next big adventure! Help to keep the party going! PATREON - Want to make a one-time PayPal donation? Awesome!: 9to5less...
In this episode I start my Toyota Prius Camper roadtrip across the US. Thanks to some great tips I stop at Cadillac Ranch in Texas and also see a giant cross in Groom. Cooling Seat Pad: 21 Watt Foldable Solar Panel Charger: Help to keep the party going!...
I just purchased a full E-Tech electric boat motor propulsion system and Derek gives a full tutorial on how it all connects together. Help to keep the party going! PATREON - Want to make a one-time PayPal donation? Awesome!: 9to5less...
In this episode I head up to CT and meet up with Derek to look at some used E-Tech Electric boat motors that have come off of a Maine Cat 38 that is upgrading to Ocean Volt. Then we head out for a day trip on his electric sailboat and it's so quiet! Help to keep the party going! PATREON - Want...
This episode is a summer recap of my time back on land after the catamaran trip. I bought a Toyota Dolphin Motorhome, went to Panama City Beach, and sold some things. Help to keep the party going! PATREON - Want to make a one-time PayPal donation? Awesome!: 9to5less...
In this action-packed final episode of the catamaran trip down the ICW to Florida we are stopped by the sheriff and face a very small bridge/tunnel. Help to keep the party going! PATREON - Want to make a one-time PayPal donation? Awesome!: 9to5less...
We wake up in a construction zone and get underway through Daytona Beach and anchor for the night at Rockhouse Creek on the ICW. Help to keep the party going! PATREON - Want to make a one-time PayPal donation? Awesome!: 9to5less T-shirt...

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